Improve Your Business's Online Reputation

Control Reviews to Attract More Prospects!

Transform your online reputation and increase your revenue with L'Avis Rusé. Collect positive reviews via WhatsApp, SMS, Email, and QR Code, and centralize the management of over 40 review platforms.

Our offers

You will be billed when you subscribe to your package, with tacit renewal.

No commitment


€ Excl. tax

Per Month

Connection to a review platform (€100/month plus VAT per platform)

Access to L'Avis Rusé platform

Opinion gathering via WhatsApp, QR Code, and contactless leaflet (leaflet(s) to order)

12-month commitment


€ Excl. tax

Per Month

Connection to a review platform (€95/month plus VAT per platform)

Access to L'Avis Rusé platform

Opinion gathering via WhatsApp, QR Code, and contactless leaflet (additional leaflet(s) on order (excluding leaflets contained in the offer with commitment)

1 free NFC tag per connected site

1 NFC plate


€ Excl. tax

Feedback collection via NFC technology. Collect customer feedback using contactless technology

Ready for more sales?

Would you like to get started with L'Avis Rusé, but have questions about our solution?

We'd be delighted to talk to you!

Contact us now and find out how L'Avis Rusé can transform your customer review management and attract more leads:

Rising Up Plus Ultra

60 rue François 1er,

75008 Paris



Don't hesitate to contact us by email:

Do you want to become an Affiliate? Visit the following page to learn about the conditions:

Copyright L'Avis Rusé / Rising Up Plus Ultra - 2024